Wow - soon I will land on US shores and attend the 2011 SCBWI Summer Conference in LA! It's great to think that I'll no longer be a first-timer with all the associated jitters. I'll even know a few people this time around. I'm looking forward to the keynotes, the workshops, the chatting, the elevators, the coffee, the Saturday night gala (I even found nursery rhyme pyjamas)... but what about the Monday? Intensives!? Round-table critiques!? What's it all about? What should I know? Can I handle it???
Does anyone have any tips or similar questions? With exactly ONE month left, it's time to get serious!!
Hey Caz! I just wanted you to know that I really enjoyed meeting and hanging out at the conference. I'm following your blog and everything now, so hopefully we can stay in touch until next year.
So how did your intensives and stuff go?
G'day, Ray! Ditto - so glad to meet you :) Thanks for the follow - I'm not on here much these days but I can see that you blog regularly, which is great.
The intensives were really good - I got a lot out of them. The conference was great value once again. So sad when it's all over, but fantastic to remember that SCBWI is everywhere, including this virtual world!
Hope you took home lots of inspiration, tips and business cards :) Take care - see you next time!
So how did it go? Looks like you haven't blogged in a long time.
(Found you over at Ray Veen's.)
I'm trying to be a better blogger.
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