Thursday, May 5, 2011

NaPiBoWriWee 2011 - day 5: Barely Alive

Even as I type this post, I am not thinking about NaPiBoWriWee. I am thinking about bed. I am so insanely tired. Didn't get the little man to sleep until very late. Fortunately I scribbled something about food in the scrapbook just before lunch today, so I've used that in a pretty silly story (if you can even call it that).

That's...okay...I'll live to tell...another...

(head on keyboard)

1 comment:

Robyn Campbell said...

Hey Caz! *shake* *shake* Hmm, she's NOT waking up anytime soon. I'm excited about day five. I'll start writing after homeschool.

The food thing always goes over big. ;-)