Yep, it's really time to get serious about packing, tidying up loose ends and enjoying sleeping in our comfy, cosy beds ... we won't be back in them for a while.
It's only one week until the SCBWI Summer Conference 2010. Already I have two meets lined up! The first one is on Thursday with the Australian SCBWI crew, the second one is Saturday night with Paula Yoo and fellow NaPiBoWriWee participants. I can't tell you how thrilled I am to be meeting everyone next week! My head is going to be spinning.
I have printed out some copies of my works-in-progress. One of them is going to be critiqued by an industry representative at the conference - great opportunity. I hope to share the others with fellow conference-goers at the informal critiques.
In the meantime, I've started work on a new picture book inspired by the beautiful, untouched bushlands near my home. Unfortunately they won't be left untouched for too much longer. Now it's time to problem-solve this story. I really enjoy the challenge. So much to think about, so many possible approaches.
Which picture books have conservation as a central theme? The Waterhole by Graeme Base is a favourite. Have you read any that were well done?
Here's hoping I get a chance to blog a little while the conference is underway. Wish me luck! In the meantime, I wanted to post a link to this blog by a grumpy literary agent - it's crazy funny Slushpile Hell. Enjoy!
See you back soon.
I'll keep thinking about it - books with conservation as the central theme.
The Waterhole is an awesome book. I read it to E. whenever he doesn't turn the tap off properly!!!
I wish I could think of picture books with conservation as a theme. They certainly need more. I read a book called Operation Redwoods about Redwood conservation in Northern CA, but it's MG.
Have a great time on your trip and at the conference.
It was WONDERFUL meeting you in real life! I hope you had a blast at SCBWI and please keep me posted on your writing!!!! xoxo Paula
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